WindowsPlast ICT 2014

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WindowsPlast ICT 2014 作者: Mind Map: WindowsPlast ICT 2014

1. 7) Training

1.1. a) Product & Provider : Home Distance Learning Cloud Computing Distance Learning Program ; provider : Innobuzz

1.2. b) Key functionality : cover everything about cloud computing, virtualization, private clouds etc. They also cover popular cloud services including AWS, Google app engine and Windows Azure

1.3. c) Business advantage : End users access cloud based applications through a web browser or a light weight desktop or mobile app while the business software and data are stored on servers at a remote location. So all this permit to the business team to be performant and effective !

2. 4)Sales & customer support and tracking

2.1. a) Product & Provider : Sales Cloud ; provider : sales forces

2.2. b) Key functionality : manage people and processes more effectively, pursue more business in less time, and close more deals

2.3. c) Business advantage :Sales Software Benefits without Software Headaches

3. 5) Telecommunication cost

3.1. a) Product & Provider :

3.2. b) Key functionality :

3.3. c) Business advantage

4. 6) Sales Mobility

4.1. a) Product & Provider : SAP Mobility ; provider : softech

4.2. b) Key functionality : Full suite of Mobile Sales (SUP+Mobile CRM) Deployed in 7 weeks Backed by Systech's "Extra-Mile" support

4.3. c) Business advantage :Business mobility gives you advantages that start in the field and carry through to downstream business processes

5. 2) Collaboration & documents

5.1. a) Product & Provider : McLaren FusionLive provider : McLaren software

5.2. b) Key functionality : Combining the advantages of Cloud Computing with comprehensive engineering document management & project collaboration features McLaren FusionLive is designed to support single or multiple construction projects

5.3. c) Business advantage : Permit an efficient result for the share of documents and the different collaboration between the company and Partner.

6. 3) Backup advantage

6.1. a) Product & Provider : IBM SmartCloud Managed Backup. provider : IBM

6.2. b) Key functionality : provides automatic backup and economic development in the cloud. reduction of investment up to 40%. benefit of automatic backups, economic

6.3. c) Business advantage :access to information and data that is needed when it is needed. The company free up valuable resources.

7. 1) Mail & instant messaging

7.1. a) Product & Provider : Symantec MessageLabs Email ;Symantec MessageLabs Instant Messaging ; provider : Symantec

7.2. b) Key functionality : Compatibility with all major public IM clients and unified communications. Using a proprietary Skeptic heuristic engine that provides better protection against malware content in instant messages, attachments and URLs available in the messages. Provided data loss prevention with a check engine powerful and flexible content. Hosted service easy to install, easy to use and require almost no maintenance

7.3. c) Business advantage: Decrease risks borne threats mailing ,instant messaging and unified communications and reduce costs associated with corrective action. Protection of confidential information and greater trust between the company and clients / partners.