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Theories 作者: Mind Map: Theories

1. Theories of Technology

1.1. SCOT

1.1.1. Social Construction of Technology

1.1.2. argue that human action shapes technology

1.1.3. technology is best understood with reference to the social context it is embedded in, and cannot be understood otherwise

1.1.4. the success or failure of a technology depends on the degree of acceptance of it by social world

1.1.5. the implications for education.. incorporating new technology into the classroom can enhance ones teaching practice For example: Smartboards are now used instead of overheads, to allow for an interactive and engaging classroom with all of the individuals in class

1.2. Media Ecology

1.2.1. is the study of media as environments media includes: technology, symbol systems, codes, symbolic form, art

1.2.2. tries to find out what roles media plays in our perception, feeling and value

1.2.3. looks at how media impedes or enhances our chances for survival

1.2.4. emphasis on how technology affects humans, whereas SCOT looks as technology being affected by humans (reverse) implications for education.. emphasis on the process of teaching; the method of instruction is more important than the content being presented

2. Theories of Learning

2.1. Behaviorism

2.1.1. learning as a complex process of responses to different and distinct stimuli

2.1.2. reinforcement, both positive and negative, are used to strength a response

2.1.3. specific actions/behaviors are used as the site of knowing, learning, and teaching

2.1.4. the observable change in behavior is an indication that learning has taken place

2.1.5. Implications in education.. teachers can use the a token economy to strengthen specific behaviors in the classroom and enhance classroom management. Ex. Group consequence, attendance point system, time clock

2.2. Cognitive Load

2.2.1. there are two kinds of memory: working memory (short-term) and long-term memory

2.2.2. our working memory has a finite and limited capacity and learning requires maximum use of this space

2.2.3. to actually learn the information and transfer it to long term memory, one must create a network between existing information and new information, called schemas.

2.2.4. implications for education..teacher need to be conscious about the amount of new information they are giving students Try to not to overload students with information, as it can overwhelm them and impede learning

2.3. Constructivism

2.3.1. human learning is constructed

2.3.2. learners prior knowledge influences what new or modified knowledge they will construct

2.3.3. teacher's role is as a facilitator implications for education.. can allow students to become critical thinkers and draw their own conclusions, with the guided assistance from the teacher to ensure they are on the right track

2.4. Connectivism

2.4.1. learning that occurs as part of a social network of many diverse connections

2.4.2. make new connections with others to strengthen the learning process

2.4.3. learner is an active participant; creating his own professional learning network teacher's role: learning architect, modeler, learning concierge

2.4.4. implication for education.. students go out to seek new information and acquire the skills to maintain the connections needed to facilitate continued learning


3.1. Consists of three domains:

3.1.1. Technological Knowledge

3.1.2. Pedagogical Knowledge

3.1.3. Content Knowledge

3.2. TPACK is the intersection of all 3 domains and looks how technology can be integrated to enhance the content in a pedagogically sound manner

3.3. link to image

3.4. The Venn Diagram shows the intersection of all three domains.

4. Philosophy of Teachology

4.1. is a teacher's personal philosophy of how they use technology as a teaching tool

4.2. teachers develop written statements that outline their Philosophy of Teachnology

4.3. the statement includes personal beliefs about the roles of teachers and students and methods of teaching and assessment (including concrete examples)

4.4. my PLN can be included in my Philosophy of Teachnology

4.5. Includes the use of technology beyond the classroom and in professional development