Digital Divide and Gender

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Digital Divide and Gender 作者: Mind Map: Digital Divide and Gender

1. job environment

1.1. not female friendly

1.2. Athena factor

2. Barriers to entry

2.1. early barriers

2.1.1. toys

2.1.2. parents

2.2. school barriers

2.2.1. methods of teaching

2.2.2. peer pressure

2.3. perceptions of field

2.3.1. outsourced

2.3.2. not economically viable

3. Statistics (Anderson 2010)

3.1. 36% 1990 to 25% 2008 women in field

3.2. 56% leave by yr 10 vs 17% men

3.3. 88% no supporter;50% no mentor

4. government/non-profit programs

4.1. coding camps

4.2. makerspaces for girls/women

4.3. social networking groups/mentorship in STEM

5. solutions

5.1. provide girl friendly toys to encourage math/science skills

5.2. create collaborative learning oppportunities

5.3. have labs and clubs for girls in school

6. job environemnt

6.1. management focus on female brain drain

6.2. allow flex time

6.3. corporate sponsorship for woman teams in competitions such as imagine cup

6.4. mentor program

7. colleges

7.1. recruit

7.2. support

7.3. scholarships for female STEM students