Killing the org chart: organizational, cultural and leadership models on the bleeding edge

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Killing the org chart: organizational, cultural and leadership models on the bleeding edge 作者: Mind Map: Killing the org chart: organizational, cultural and leadership models on the bleeding edge

1. Q

1.1. What about direction towards a goal

1.2. What about collections of hierarchies?

2. Core media (the speaker)

2.1. "it's like fast learning"

2.2. Everyone can come to a management meeting

2.3. Everything is a project

2.4. Every meeting finishes with reflection

2.5. open spaces

2.6. Got rid of departments

2.7. Collective awareness works better than process

2.7.1. solutions get implemented without a process

2.8. tools that work

2.8.1. twitter

2.8.2. blogging

3. Problems within orgs (research)

3.1. too much irrelevant information

3.2. difficult to judge relevance

3.3. download from core media

4. short on proof

4.1. quite recent changes

5. passion

6. create weak ties

6.1. create environments where people must listen

7. complex things are self-organized

7.1. organic life

7.2. linux

7.3. www

8. Hierarchies work

8.1. kill motivation

8.2. Not agile, not creative

8.3. will reach a natural limit

8.4. AT&T could not build the internet

9. Networks

9.1. Create stronger values

9.2. acceleration

9.3. exponential complexity