Album Release Party

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Album Release Party 作者: Mind Map: Album Release Party

1. Todos

1.1. Secure funding

1.2. Decorations/Decor/Theme (banners, posters, balloons, signs, etc.)

1.3. Catering

1.4. Sound Equipment

1.5. Security

2. Marketing

2.1. Promotions

2.1.1. Flyers, E-Blasts, Social Media promo, etc.

2.2. Media Promotions

2.2.1. Press releases, radio ads, magazine, blogs

3. Invitations

3.1. Special Guests

3.1.1. colleagues, artist's parents, industry friends

3.2. General Attendees

3.2.1. Using promotion tactics

4. Schedule

4.1. Set Date for event

4.1.1. Begin: 10.00

4.1.2. Lunch: 12.00-13.00

4.1.3. End: 19.30

5. Venue

6. Responsibilities

6.1. Rehearsal Schedule

6.1.1. Band Director

6.2. Clothing for artist

6.2.1. Stylist

6.3. Order CDs

6.4. Giveaways to attendees

6.4.1. CD Singles, stickers, bracelets, USBs