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Pervade 作者: Mind Map: Pervade

1. Synonyms

1.1. Diffuse

1.2. Overspread

1.3. Permeate

2. Antonyms

2.1. Drain

2.2. Empty

2.3. Spend

3. Examples

3.1. The sandstorm pervaded over the entire city

3.2. The fireworks pervaded into the sky

4. Definition

4.1. Spread through and be perceived in every part.

5. Other Forms

5.1. Pervasive (adjective)

5.1.1. Pervasive swarms of insects surrounded the wounded mouse eating at its flesh.

5.2. Pervasion (noun)

5.2.1. The pervasion of people created a riot disturbing the entire community.