Marketing Persona Template

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Marketing Persona Template 作者: Mind Map: Marketing Persona Template

1. Fears

1.1. Loss of business

2. Sources

2.1. Observation and ethnography

2.2. Social media and online reviews

3. Demographics

3.1. Age

3.1.1. 35-55

3.2. Gender

3.2.1. Men, female

3.3. Education

3.3.1. High

3.4. Job Title

3.4.1. CEO, business OWNER

3.5. Salary

3.5.1. Income; 12 mln/year

3.6. Location

3.6.1. Megapolises

3.7. Family

3.7.1. Partner + 2 kids dog + cat

3.8. Interests

3.8.1. design, wine, sport, fashion, cars, friends, travels

4. Challenges

4.1. Challenge

4.1.1. impossibility of long-term planning

4.2. Challenge

4.2.1. sanctions

5. Goals

5.1. Goal

5.1.1. Business Income Financial independence Confession

5.1.2. Financial independence

5.2. Goal

5.2.1. Family Stability

5.3. 3. Goal

5.3.1. Hobby WSET Level 3 Award in Wines