Brainstormings Ideas for Job requirements in CV

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Brainstormings Ideas for Job requirements in CV 作者: Mind Map: Brainstormings Ideas for Job requirements in CV

1. prepare and organize test and evaluations

2. Specific Skills for English Teacher

2.1. Prepare subject course outlines and materials according to currirulum

2.2. teach student through games, disscussions, audio-visual presentations and projects

2.3. work with online account and system

2.4. participate in staff meetings, educational conferences and teacher training workshops

2.5. provide tutoring assistance

2.6. assign and correct homework

2.7. evaluate the progress of students and discuss results with students, parents and school officials

2.8. teach student through disscussions, audio-visual presentations

2.9. participate in students extra-curriculum activities

3. Education

3.1. Bachelor's in English

3.2. Bachelor's in Guidance and Counselling

3.3. Master's in Teaching English

3.4. Master's in Education Administration

4. Target Audience

4.1. EFL students

5. To be continued...

6. Credentials

6.1. TEFL Certificates (teaching English as a foreign language)

6.1.1. 3-weeks of Communiccative Language Approach Couurse

7. Work Experience

7.1. 3 years of online teaching

7.1.1. 12 Years of teaching English in elementary

7.2. 2 years of student affairs department in higher education

7.3. internship in news agency and photo production company

7.4. volunteering in non-profit organization for scholarships process and training facilitator

8. Personal Suitability