Procreation Stories: Abortion Activists

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Procreation Stories: Abortion Activists 作者: Mind Map: Procreation Stories: Abortion Activists

1. Pro Life vs., Pro Choice

1.1. Pro Life sees the act of abortion as an unnatural act against the empowering act of becoming a mother

1.1.1. Believe that morally, abortion is a negative act against the baby, the mother, and allows one to circumvent the outcome of promiscuous sex

1.1.2. Pro Life activists believe that enabling women to get an abortion is anti feminist, that it takes away their unique role of being able to be mothers

1.2. Pro Choice believe that the decision of giving birth to a child is solely that of the mother's, that a woman's freedom includes being able to make this choice

1.2.1. Pro Choice activists make the argument that not allowing women to make this choice is an act of sexual discrimination, many feminists rights advocates take this position

2. North Dakota Woman's Health Center Opens

2.1. Opposing activist groups quickly form and gain strength

2.2. Pro-Life group fails to get abortion center to close down, but begins a battle to win over clientele

2.3. Gender roles are brought to light because of this conflict, where the American tradition of trying to control the situation a woman must be in when pregnant is exposed

3. Activists' Stories reveal a great deal about the way women's privacy in these matters becomes public

3.1. Being one of the most debated moral issues in America today, abortion activists come from any background or culture, there are few if any patterns of behavior that either group finds themselves in

3.2. Activism is important for these women, and their goal to reinforce their independence and status in society is met by both sides of the debate

3.2.1. While some believe that the ability to abort empowers women, some believe it is taking away from their unique responsibility, either way they believe that the reason to keep or discard it is for the benefit of women