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這地球,天天轉,奇妙事不斷有!! 作者: Mind Map: 這地球,天天轉,奇妙事不斷有!!

1. 中國加入世貿大事記

1.1. 絲綢之路

2. The New Socialism: Global Collectivist Society Is Coming Online [WM 090617

3. The phenomenal expansion of the Global Middle Class

3.1. The New Global Middle Class: Potentially Profitable -- but Also Unpredictable [Wharton 080709

3.2. 2 billion new people may join global middle class by 2030: Goldman Sachs [Economic Times 080709

3.3. The new middle classes in emerging markets: Burgeoning bourgeoisie [Economist 090212

4. Go to my blog @ 智在埋堆 for a discussion of this presentation