Blended Learning - 4 Essential Elements of Blended Learning and Lessons Learned in Year One Imple...

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Blended Learning - 4 Essential Elements of Blended Learning and Lessons Learned in Year One Implementation 作者: Mind Map: Blended Learning - 4 Essential Elements of Blended Learning and Lessons Learned in Year One Implementation

1. Small Group Instruction

1.1. Enables differentiated instruction for greater impact

1.1.1. Lesson Learned: Be thoughtful about how your instructional model can evolve over the school year (i.e. you may want to start with a two group rotation and eventually move to a three group rotation)

2. Integrated Digital Content

2.1. Engages students for individualized learning

2.1.1. Lesson learned:One content provider is not enough; students will experience digital fatigue

3. Sustainable Solution

3.1. Makes the process easy-to-manage and increases effective instructional time.

3.1.1. Lesson Learned: Push sales reps for best possible pricing; they will likely come down

4. Data Driven Decisions

4.1. Provides frequent, high-fidelity data to inform instructional decisions

4.1.1. Lesson Learned: Develop clear routines and procedures (and build in time!) for teachers to analyze and respond to data on a regular basis