Layin' Down the Law: SEN10R style

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Layin' Down the Law: SEN10R style 作者: Mind Map: Layin' Down the Law: SEN10R style

1. B1

1.1. Alek

1.1.1. Extreme detail about each habit of mind

1.2. no do.

2. B2

2.1. Matt

2.1.1. Writing on SAT is equal for all

2.2. Alek

2.2.1. 5th/11th grade prompts v. SAT prompts/college essays

2.3. Stephen

2.3.1. SAT writing prompt descriptions

3. B3

3.1. Matt

3.1.1. Writing styles from many different states

3.2. Dani

3.2.1. Transition of writing from K to 12

3.3. Michael

3.3.1. Building blocks of writing

3.4. Heather

3.4.1. No interest in high school writing

3.5. Alek

3.5.1. high school writing style v. normal writing/everyday writing


5. B4

5.1. Lauren

5.1.1. How to choose college

5.2. Adam

5.2.1. In college: partying v. studying

5.3. Michael

5.3.1. Expectations of college

6. B5

6.1. Adam

6.1.1. Pro's of cliques

6.2. Heather

6.2.1. "I'll cross that bridge when I get to it"

6.3. Matt

6.3.1. Stereotypes in band

6.4. Lauren

6.4.1. Fighting the stereotypical athlete

6.5. Stephen

6.5.1. theory of stereotypes

7. B6

7.1. Alek

7.1.1. dream big $$

7.2. Matt

7.2.1. silliness in life


9. College!

9.1. Hot to choose a college

9.2. Expectations of college

9.3. In college: partying vs studying

10. Stereotypes and Cliques and Cliches

10.1. Theory of Stereotypes

10.2. Athlete stereotypes

10.3. Band stereotypes

10.4. application of cliches

10.5. something to do with cliques...

11. Value of Bucketlist

11.1. Dream Big $$

11.2. Silliness of Life

12. Influence of Advertisement

13. Writing

13.1. Transition of writing

13.2. History of writing from K-12

13.2.1. Building Blocks of..

13.3. High School Writing V. Normal Informal writing

13.4. SAT Writing v. SOL Writing