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Dashboard 作者: Mind Map: Dashboard

1. 2.Create sketches main pages

1.1. Dashboard

1.1.1. mobile

1.1.2. tablet

1.1.3. laptop

1.1.4. desktop

1.2. Activity

1.2.1. mobile

1.2.2. tablet

1.2.3. laptop

1.2.4. desktop

1.3. Friends

1.3.1. mobile

1.3.2. tablet

1.3.3. laptop

1.3.4. desktop

2. 3.test review

3. 4.Create Sketches Sub pages

3.1. Dashboard

3.1.1. load

3.1.2. swap

3.1.3. add currency

3.2. Activity

3.2.1. expand details

3.2.2. delete

3.2.3. view swap details

3.3. Friends

3.3.1. add friends

4. 1.Data gathering

4.1. Define constraints

4.2. Define key features

4.3. Define most important tasks

4.4. Define sizes

4.5. Study good UIs in banking and travel

4.6. Study bad UIs

5. 5.Test review

6. 7.create wireframes based on bootstrab

7. 8. Create prototypes and interaction

8. 6.Check development compatibility

9. 9.Test prototype on users

10. 10.Test review