Northern renaissance ftw

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Northern renaissance ftw 作者: Mind Map: Northern renaissance ftw

1. Artistic Ideas Spread

1.1. Invading french soldiers force itialins to leave and take styles and techniques to other places

1.2. famous german painter brought back wood cuts and engravings

1.3. Jan Van Eyck advanced oil painting styles.

1.4. Flemish Paintings reached its peak after 1557 with the force of Pieter Bruegel the Elder.

2. Printing Spreads to The Renaissance

2.1. Guten Berg Improves the Printing Process.

3. Elizabethan Age

3.1. William Shakespear the most famous writer of the time.

4. Long Bow is long.

5. It Begins

5.1. rulers sponser artist and fund events

5.2. ideal of human diginty inspired northern humanist

5.3. cause to devolope plans for social reform based on Judo-Christian values

6. Northern Writers Try to Reform Society.

6.1. Best known Christian humanists were Desiderius Erasmus of Holland and Thomas More of England.

6.2. During this period the vast majority of Europeans were unable to read or write.

7. The Legacy of the Renaissance

7.1. There were many changes in the Arts.

7.2. There were many changes in society.