Emily Kay Johnson 2.0

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Emily Kay Johnson 2.0 作者: Mind Map: Emily Kay Johnson 2.0

1. Early Decision Program

1.1. Meet and befriend many of the girls in the program

1.2. Use resources: NEST, Mentoring Program, etc.

2. Volunteer

2.1. Big Brothers Big Sisters

2.2. Dance Marathon

2.3. Hospital

3. Being Active

3.1. Yoga

3.2. Running

4. Personal LIfe

4.1. Make and keep dependable friends who are good infulences

4.2. Drake

4.3. Stay in touch with family

5. Future Refrences

5.1. Tara Lamb

5.2. Lisa Segre

6. Opportunities

6.1. Take any opportunities I get that interest me

7. Academics

7.1. 4.0 GPA

7.2. Graduate with Honors

7.2.1. Nursing

7.2.2. University

7.3. Dean's List

8. Goals

8.1. BSN

8.2. Minor in Psychology

8.3. DNP from University of Iowa College of Nursing

9. Work

9.1. Boutique Clerk

9.2. Pediatric Clinic Secretary

9.3. CNA