Q4- how does your media product represent particular social groups?

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Q4- how does your media product represent particular social groups? 作者: Mind Map: Q4- how does your media product represent particular social groups?

1. One of the main associations with the indie rock genre is the popularity of music festivals, such as reading and leeds. The majority of musicians that are featured at these festivals relate to the indie rock genre of music. This helped me to gain a clear idea that people who listen to this genre of music are more relaxed and prefer the vibes of festivals and intimate gigs, rather than going to a massive concert at the o2 for example. This helped me to realise the kind of social groups these people come from, and how I could create my magazine to appeal to them. I did this by putting reviews of gigs and festivals in my magazine, purposely targeting this social group of people directly.

2. The people who listen to indie rock music generally have a distinctive fashion sense, and is also portrayed through the musicians advertising these clothes and showing how they themselves fit into that particular social group. My magazine portrays this sense of style through the models, showing how females would look up to and idolise them, thus appealing to this social group based around style.

3. The social group of feminists and feminism itself is also strongly represented in my magazine. This is through the consistent theme of all of the main models being females, and not over sexualised. My magazine is not purely appealing to males as the females on the front cover are attractive but are not being represented in an explicit and sexual way. Meaning that the females that buy the magazine do not feel intimidated by the images, and feel comfortable with purchasing it.

4. My target audience for my magazine is males and females around the ages of 16-30, who enjoy indie rock and an alternative style of music. I have decided on this age group as the majority of people who listen to the indie rock genre are around this age range, and i have realised this through my market research when creating my questionnaire.

5. The representations of females could be seen to be quite unconventional and anti stereotypical. This is because they are seen to be portrayed as quite moody and strong in their personality. This connotes the depth to their music, showing how their personality really comes out in their music. This is deliberate in my magazine as by having these portray this, they are appealing to a social group of both males and females who are extremely passionate about music and really dedicate themselves to it.