Songwriting Plan

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Songwriting Plan 作者: Mind Map: Songwriting Plan

1. Setting

1.1. A particular place?

1.2. A moving vehicle?

1.3. Changing scenes?

1.4. Undefined "here"?

1.5. None?

2. Sensory Description

2.1. Seen?

2.2. Felt?

2.3. Smelled?

2.4. Heard?

2.5. Tasted?

3. Time Frame

3.1. Past?

3.2. Present?

3.3. Future?

3.4. Moving?

4. Emotion

4.1. How do you feel (every song should be about one emotion)?

5. Title

5.1. What's the best phrase to sum up the feeling you're trying to convey in the song?

6. Plot

6.1. Situation?

6.2. Attitude?

6.3. Story?

7. Voice

7.1. Thinking (conversation in your own head)?

7.2. Talking (conversation with someone else)?

8. Viewpoint

8.1. First person (I statements)?

8.2. Second person (You statements)?

8.3. Third person (He, She or They statements)?

8.4. Camera eye (non-personal perspective)?