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Lawyer 作者: Mind Map: Lawyer

1. Trainee

1.1. Trainee positions require individuals to interview clients, investigate cases and prepare written documentation.

2. High school Courses

2.1. Physcology

2.2. Sociology

2.3. Public Speaking

2.3.1. Speaking in the court room confidently

2.4. Join a debate team

2.4.1. Critical thinking

2.5. Goverment

2.6. Writing classes

2.6.1. It helps them prepare for the bar exam

3. Post Secondary Education

3.1. Bachelor's Degree for total of 7 years.

3.2. A bachelors degree on courses focusing on the career then the J.D.

4. Test and Certification

4.1. After getting the education need they have to pass the bar exam

4.2. They consist of essays and questions that focus on the states law

4.3. Usually a two or three day exam

5. Career Levels

5.1. Associate

5.1.1. An associate may be a junior or senior attorney. First-year associates are entry-level junior attorneys and are generally recent law school graduates in their first year of law practice.