Technology Class Manual

We are going to publish an eBook about the Rosemont Tech Class

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Technology Class Manual 作者: Mind Map: Technology Class Manual

1. skills

1.1. Media Skills

1.1.1. Stuff on WeVideo and stuff

1.1.2. photo editing

1.1.3. tablet video

1.2. Hardware skills

1.2.1. log on off

1.2.2. logging off/shutting down properly.

1.2.3. typing

1.2.4. cut, copy paste

1.2.5. tablets

1.3. Internet / Collaboration skills

1.3.1. using iGo/Google Apps

1.3.2. sharing docs

1.3.3. blog / commenting

1.3.4. video conf

1.3.5. digital citizenship

1.4. Word Processing/presentation skills

1.4.1. slideshows

1.4.2. prezi

1.4.3. docs

1.4.4. comment on docs / peer editing

1.5. literacy skills

1.5.1. how to become better readers - translate

1.5.2. spell check

1.5.3. auto-correct

2. Prioritize Skills for High School

2.1. The skill to restore a computer

2.2. more

2.3. more

2.4. The skill to know every computer part

2.5. skills to fix

3. 2013/2014 activities

3.1. Literacy

3.1.1. speeches

3.1.2. auto biograpies

3.1.3. story scripts

3.1.4. multi presentation

3.1.5. poems

3.1.6. blogged - academic portfolios

3.1.7. journals

3.2. Math

3.2.1. IXL

3.2.2. fractions

3.2.3. multiplication

3.2.4. geometry

3.2.5. surface area

3.2.6. graphs

3.3. Art / Media

3.3.1. first nation art

3.3.2. wordle

3.3.3. videos

3.4. health

3.4.1. powerpoint / slide shows

3.5. Social Studies

3.5.1. eco project

3.5.2. Canadian Immigration

3.5.3. Canadian Rant

3.5.4. Prezi

4. goal

5. make things more fun

5.1. Goal 2

5.2. Finish it by the end of the year

5.3. Goal 4

6. Technology Class

6.1. Rules

6.1.1. do not make fun of others online

6.1.2. no slamming other people's computers

6.1.3. use computers correctly

6.2. Requirements

6.2.1. better internet

6.2.2. Suplies

7. Challenges


7.2. Difficult technology work

7.3. Sometimes things don't make sense

7.4. Learning

8. Ideas for future tech classes

8.1. less blogging

8.2. more video

8.3. media effects on society

8.4. robotics

8.5. photo and video sfx