SQL Server BI and Azure

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1. Links

1.1. SQL Server Business Intelligence in Azure Virtual Machines

1.2. Reporting Services report viewer control and Microsoft Azure virtual machine based report servers

1.3. Use ReportViewer in a Web Site Hosted in Azure

1.3.1. Includes different kinds of authentication types

1.4. ReportViewer for MVC

2. License

2.1. 1. Your own license

2.2. 2. Pay as you go

3. SQL Images in Azure

3.1. Installed features in the SQL Server 2012 Images

3.1.1. Reporting Services Native Mode

3.1.2. Analysis Services Multidimensional and Data mining (OLAP)

3.2. Support for

3.2.1. SQL Server 2008

3.2.2. SQL Server 2012

3.2.3. SQL Server 2014

3.3. Best pratices for installing the SQL Server in Azure

4. Deployment Topologies

4.1. 1. Single VM

4.2. 2. Two VM:s

4.3. 3. VM and Azure SQL Database

4.4. 4. Hybrid Azure/OnPrem

5. Configure Reporting Service