7 Aspects of Civilization

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7 Aspects of Civilization 作者: Mind Map: 7 Aspects of Civilization

1. Social Structure and Family Life

1.1. Sumeria

1.1.1. Top of hierarchy was kings, priests and their principal agents

1.1.2. Next were large landowners and wealthy merchants

1.1.3. Below them were artisans, farmers, and laborers

1.1.4. Slaves were at the bottom

1.2. Shang/Zhou

1.2.1. Kings were surrounded by a court, or a gathering of wealthy nobes

1.2.2. The king appointed governors to rule distant parts of the kingdom

1.2.3. Most people were farmers

1.2.4. Below farmers were slaves

2. Economy and Trade

2.1. Sumeria

2.1.1. Obtained many materials for buildings

2.1.2. They lacked many raw materials

2.1.3. Traded with people across Southwest Asia

2.1.4. Exchanged woven textiles for metals, timber and stone

2.2. Shang/Zhou

2.2.1. Shang China wasan agricultural society and most people were farmers

2.2.2. Under the Zhou farmers learned new techniques which increased the size of their harvests and created food surpluses

2.2.3. The Zhou learned how to use iron which became the backbone of their economy

2.2.4. Zhou introduced coins to China

3. Geography and Agriculture

3.1. Sumeria

3.1.1. They dug basins to control rainwater

3.1.2. Farming in the rich soil

3.1.3. Methods to control the river water/ canals to carry water into fields

3.1.4. Jobs like these require people being assigned to work which, as a result, leaders emerged

3.2. Shang/Zhou

3.2.1. Chinas first civilizations developed in river valleys

3.2.2. The combination of rivers for irrigation and fertile soils for planting allowed the Chinese to thrive

3.2.3. Isolation helped early civilization there develop and grow

3.2.4. Most of China is covered with mountains,hills and desert.

4. Religion

4.1. Sumeria

4.1.1. The Sumerians practiced polytheism.

4.1.2. Believed god protected each city- state

4.1.3. Believed gods were like humans

4.1.4. Priests governed the city-states

4.2. Shang/Zhou

4.2.1. Had religious beliefs

4.2.2. Shang tombs contained valuable items

4.2.3. Shang offered gifts to their deceased ancestors

4.2.4. They asked their ancestors for advice with oracle bones

5. Arts and Education

5.1. Sumeria

5.1.1. Architecture includes arches, ramps, and columns

5.1.2. Sumarian sculpture has statues with large, wide open eyes

5.1.3. Most favorite works of art are its cylinder seals

5.1.4. People use cylinder seals to show ownership

5.2. Shang/Zhou

5.2.1. Earliest examples of Chinese writing are questions written on oracle bones

5.2.2. Early Shang texts use picture symbols to represent objects or ideas

5.2.3. Artists created decorative bronze vessels and objects

5.2.4. Shang astronomers created a precise calender base on the cycles of the moon

6. Science and Technology

6.1. Sumeria

6.1.1. Developed a math system based on the number 60

6.1.2. Invented the wheel

6.1.3. Invented the plow

6.1.4. Performed basic surgery

6.2. Shang/Zhou

6.2.1. The developed of Chinese writing and oracle bones

6.2.2. Had great advances in working with bronze

6.2.3. Built huge and stable structures such as tombs

6.2.4. Shang astronomers created a precise calendar on the cycles of the moon.

7. Government and Leaders

7.1. Sumeria

7.1.1. Priests governed city-states

7.1.2. War chiefs began to rule as kings

7.1.3. The kings performed ceremonies to please the gods

7.1.4. City-states' kings formed dynasties

7.2. Shang/Zhou

7.2.1. Ruled by a strong monarchy

7.2.2. Their capital was surrounded by a court

7.2.3. The king appointed governors to rule distant parts of the kingdom

7.2.4. Shang China was largely an agricultural society