Best Friend being a Bad Friend

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Best Friend being a Bad Friend 作者: Mind Map: Best Friend being a Bad Friend

1. D

1.1. Define the Problem

1.1.1. She would act strange when another girl, X, came to hangout with us. She would treat me differently when 'X' was around.

1.1.2. I thought that if I told her the way I felt, she would understand and try and change the way she was acting. Instead she twisted my words imediatley and told 'X' that I hated 'X'.

2. E

2.1. Explore the Alternatives

2.1.1. Continue to hang out with her while 'X' was under the impression that I hated her.

2.1.2. Stop talking to both of them and hang out with other people or be alone.

3. C

3.1. Consider the Consequences

3.1.1. I would have to act like I wasn't even effected by her lying about what I said. I wouldn't enjoy being around her anymore.

3.1.2. Be on my own. Become a loner. Realize that there were people out there that would treat me better. I would miss someone being my friend deeply and the bond we shared.

4. I

4.1. Identify Values

4.1.1. I deserve a better friendship.

4.1.2. I don't feel comfortable being around someone who would lie on me.

4.1.3. I would rather eat lunch alone or with better friends than with someone I can not trust.

4.1.4. Our relationship would drag on stressfully

5. D

5.1. Decide and act

5.1.1. I decided to go with the latter and stop being friends with her.

6. E

6.1. Evaluate the Results

6.1.1. Unfortunately, I never got to explain to 'X' my true words but she reacted in such a poisonous way I didn't even try to. My now EX friend ignores the whole thing and acts as if it never happened. Sadly, I miss hanging out with her, but a truthful relationship is more important to me. I now eat and do many things on my lonesome but ocassionally I hangout with people that give me a better time and more enjoyment.

6.1.2. I learned that I can't control the way people act and if they really wanted to be in my life they would try.

6.1.3. If I could do it all over again, I would have told 'X' how I really said it immediately after I found out my EX friend twisted my words. I wouldn't want me and 'X's' relationship to end like it did.