Do working mothers create a more stressful family dynamic?

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Do working mothers create a more stressful family dynamic? 作者: Mind Map: Do working mothers create a more stressful family dynamic?

1. Mothers that work because they choose to?

1.1. Do their children feel neglected?

1.2. Are their children more likely to be put into daycare?

1.3. .Are their children more likely to be distant and more prone to "trouble"

2. Mothers that work because of the economy?

2.1. Do their children develop more respect for their mothers because they are helping support their family.

2.2. Do their children become more distant and more prone to "trouble"?

3. Single mothers that have to work?

3.1. Do single mothers make more time for their children because they are the only parent?

3.1.1. Do single mother households have stronger family dynamics that those families where mothers choose to work but don't necessarily have to?