Amanda's Organizational Chart

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Amanda's Organizational Chart 作者: Mind Map: Amanda's Organizational Chart

1. Technologiacal Pedagogical Content Knowledge

1.1. knowing how to integrate technology

1.1.1. TPK Technological Pedagogical Knowledge: How teaching and learning changes when different technology is used

1.2. not one size fits all

1.2.1. T.K Tech Knowledge: always changing

2. Technology, Coaching and Community

2.1. teachers need training on tools

2.1.1. Cognitive Coaching way of coaching to shape/reshape others problem solving skills

2.1.2. Instructional Coaching teachers, curriculum director, principals all work together to find out what to target

2.1.3. Peer coaching

3. Partnership Learning

3.1. one person is the expert

3.1.1. Some people may resist and do not value the knowledge

3.1.2. need to feel equality

3.2. people learn best from each other

3.2.1. Learning Principals Equality,Choice,voice,dialog,reflection and praxis

3.2.2. Learing Structures different ways to collaborate

3.2.3. tools to use worksheets

3.2.4. summary of validity of approach

3.3. Question

3.3.1. open ended and non judgemental Ex: "tell us more" Ex: "what are some ways of looking at this" Ex:" How do you feel about..."

3.4. Reflection Learing

3.4.1. reflect on real challenges