Editing reflection

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Editing reflection 作者: Mind Map: Editing reflection

1. The rule of thirds is a key rule to follow in the film/music industry. This means that the audience can benefit from watching in a perspective that was intentional from the director and because of this it will led to having an expected response (from the audience).

2. "The rule of thirds is applied by aligning a subject with the guide lines and their intersection points, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to flow from section to section."

3. As the teacher looked through our video she noticed how one of the base tracks we filmed (Sanaa; wide shot of her dancing in a park in Wood Green) didn't really follow the rule of thirds.

4. By changing the order in which the base tracks were placed; in chronological order, it applied and followed the conventions of a music video successfully as well as also being presented in a more stable and structured form.

5. I learnt that despite keeping the concept of the music video...

6. Feedback...

7. Changes/alterations

7.1. From the feedback we received from the teacher we went out to re film a couple of base tracks, especially as we had to reconsider the location in which we thought was not exactly suitable.

7.1.1. As well as making sure we applied and followed the rule of thirds when we were filming; (Waterloo Graffiti Tunnel), we made sure our location was well matched with our genre; Pop.

7.1.2. Personally I think this was an effective change as it meant that our location helped to create the stereotypical pop music video furthermore following the conventions. The graffiti tunnel walls we filmed against essentially helped to convey this as into our music video.

8. Further reflection

8.1. When we went to go and film at our location it helped create a lively and energy filled vibe which we thought could be conveyed into our music video; for the first verse and chorus, thus being effective.