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FOOOD :D (NOM) 作者: Mind Map: FOOOD :D (NOM)

1. The love of our life

1.1. Cake

1.2. Cookie

2. Food Porn :3

2.1. Pulled pork

2.2. Chicken salsa

2.3. Lasagne

3. Combinations

3.1. Delicious

3.2. tasty

3.3. Happyness

4. consumption

4.1. death

4.2. Dentist

4.3. healty fooooood

4.4. Fastfood (McD)

4.5. Hunguary

4.6. Fat dude and fat femidude

5. breakfast

5.1. Energy

5.2. Leif

5.3. Source of leif

5.4. Vegetarian (WRONG)