Copy of O Brother is a modern adaptation of The Odyssey

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Copy of O Brother is a modern adaptation of The Odyssey 作者: Mind Map: Copy of O Brother is a modern adaptation of The Odyssey

1. Odyssey

1.1. Hero/Protagonist

1.1.1. Stays calm in the face of danger: doesn't kill Polyphemus in the cave, but waits

1.1.2. Clever: Comes up with the plan to use the sheep to escape

1.1.3. Odyseuss

1.2. Epic poem elements

1.2.1. Geographically vast: over seas and on islands

1.2.2. Heroic protagonist: Odysseus is brave and clever and ultimately a good leader

1.2.3. Protagonist is victorious: Odysseus returns home a war hero and marries his wife

1.2.4. Supernatural elements: Sirens, lotus eaters, various gods and immortals, fate play a role

1.2.5. Reflects Homer's culture: issues of how to treat a guest, role of women, relationship with gods

1.3. Antagoist/Pride

1.3.1. Odyssey: Odysseus brags and tells his name and address to Polyphemus to show off- leads to his biggest conflict

2. O Brother

2.1. Hero/Protagonist

2.1.1. Clever: Comes up with the plan to dress as the KK K to save Tommy and escape

2.1.2. Stays calm in the face of danger: doesn't run away, but stays quiet and waits for an opportunity to save Tommy

2.1.3. Ulysses Everett McGill

2.2. Elements of epic poem

2.2.1. Heroic protagonist: Everett is brave and clever and ultimately a good leader and husband

2.2.2. Protagonist is victorious: Everett becomes a political think-tank and rock star, returns home to his wife

2.2.3. Geographically vast: over roads and railways through South

2.2.4. Reflects modern culture: racism issues, changing gender issues, issues of political corruption

2.2.5. Supernatural elements: Fate is at play with blind railroad prophet

2.2.6. In O Brother

2.3. Antagonist (pride)

2.3.1. O Brother: Everett brags and shows off his money to Big Dan to impress him- leads to a big conflict