Chapter 11 Section 2

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Chapter 11 Section 2 作者: Mind Map: Chapter 11 Section 2

1. Native American Resistance

1.1. Black Hawk

1.2. Revenge

1.3. Osceola

1.4. Guerilla Tactics

2. Moving Native Americans

2.1. Five Civilized Tribes

2.2. Relocate

2.3. President Jackson

2.4. Land

3. Many people in America wanted to make the Native Americans move out of Georgia and west of the Mississippi because the land was good for farming, and president Andrew Jackson supported that idea.

4. In 1834, a Sauk Chief named Black Haw tried to recapture it's territory in Illinois. They were met by extremely strong resistance though, as the 4,500 American soldiers easily took them out. The Seminoles were a different story, however, as they resisted from giving up their land and went to war against the US. After the wars, they came to a compromise, as the Native Americans gave 100 million acres of land to US, and got back 68 million dollars and about 32 acres of land. That land, now known as present day Oklahoma, was used for Native Americans.

5. Indian Removal Act

5.1. Native Americans

5.2. Payments

5.3. Indian Territory

6. The Trail of tears

6.1. President Jackson

6.2. Land Treaty

6.3. Protest

6.4. General Winfield Scott

7. The federal government decided to pay the Natives to move west, to the Indian Territory, now known as Oklahoma

8. The US federal government tried to persuade the Cherokees to give up their land. They refused, and General Winfield Scott decided to use force to remove them. So they had to leave

9. The Cherokee Nation

9.1. Refusal

9.2. Worcester v. Georgia

9.3. Georgia

10. The Cherokee Nation was the only one to refuse to give up their land, and the state of Georgia disobeyed the laws of the Cherokee. But in Worcester v. Georgia they ruled that Georgia had no right to interfere with the Cherokee. President Jackson decided to completely ignore that rule, and encouraged Georgia to kick out the Cherokee.