Center-fire cartridge

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Center-fire cartridge 作者: Mind Map: Center-fire cartridge

1. 1) Thorough cleaning of case

1.1. 2) Case is sized

1.1.1. 3) The primer is inserted 4) The case is charged 5) The bullet is added The case is filled with the proper amount of propellant (gun powder) Primer is pressed into the case on one end, flush with the bottom

1.1.2. They are put into a sizing press and must be within .0001 inch of proper size to function

1.2. Cleaned and polished through vibrations in a corn by-product

2. 1) Bullet: Molten lead alloy is poured into a mold to create the bullet

3. 2) Gunpowder: It is a mixture of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate. The sulfur and charcoal act as fuels, and the saltpeter is an oxidizer

4. 3) Case: Molten brass, steel, or aluminum is poured into a mold to create the case