Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 作者: Mind Map: Chapter 12

1. The Oregon Trail

1.1. This is the route the settlers used to get to Oregon

2. Texas Independence

3. California Gold Rush

3.1. link to Animoto:

4. By Michael Hernandez and Michael Shan

5. By Michael Hernandez and Michael Shan

6. Mexican American War

6.1. James Polk: Born November 2nd 1795. The 11th president of the United States. He was able to make a three part battle plan in the Mexican American War that worked and won the US California, Texas, and New Mexico. He was even able to graduate college at the top of his class despite not going to school 'till he was 17. Fun fact, he is the only Speaker of the House of Reps to become president. he passed away on June 15, 1849

6.2. Bullet Facts

6.2.1. The US was able to win California, Texas, and New Mexico from Mexico

6.2.2. The war lasted from 1846 to 1848

6.2.3. There was a Peace Treaty to end the war called "Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo"

6.2.4. Future president General Zachary Taylor was a key factor in the war.

6.2.5. Many people opposed the war while many others supported it.

7. Manifest Destiny

7.1. Settler : Hey how is it going on the west? We on the east are getting a lot of business from trading and such. Do you all plan on trading with us? We'.d also like to buy New Mexico and California from you guys? What do you think? We'll send an agent offering $30 million