Sex Lies and Conversation

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Sex Lies and Conversation 作者: Mind Map: Sex Lies and Conversation

1. Elanor Mccoby

2. Women prefer to share their thoughs ,secrets,feelings and impressions

3. Men prefer less talking and more doing things

4. Most children spend more time with their own gender thus ending up in marriages with lack of communication with the opposite gender

5. Marriage is an orgy of closeness

6. Women's greatest fear is being pushes away

7. Men protect themselves from being pushed down or pushed around

8. Solution

9. A sociolinguistic approach by which male-female conversation is seen as cross-cultural communication allows us to understand the problem and forge solutions without blaming either party.

10. Once the problem is understood,the improvement comes naturally

11. Most married men and women do not communicate well at home

12. This causes them to be more social when not at home

13. Learning to communicate well at home is key in all marriages

14. 50 percent divorce rate

15. Lack of communication, a virtual epidemic of failed conversation

16. Most wives excpect thier husband to be conversational partners,which most husbands are not

17. Bruce Doval

18. Women want to be heard and looked at when talking

19. Men do not like to listen nor give any eye contact as they get distracted easily or feel 'one-down'

20. Result sin a lot of tension between a relationship of a man and women,both expecting opposite needs of communication

21. Men like to change topic every minute

22. Women like to talk in lenght about one topic

23. Causes women to feel that men are not listening to them

24. Women are more reasurring than men when difficult situation

25. Men give about simple advice in difficult situations

26. Women preceive such response as unsupportive and belittling