Bb 101

Solve your problems or get new ideas with basic brainstorming

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Bb 101 作者: Mind Map: Bb 101

1. 3. Assignments

1.1. Bb assignments

1.2. Turn It In guide

1.3. TII sample assignment

2. 4. Quizzes and tests

2.1. General guide

2.2. Respondus LockDown Browser; include download link

2.3. Practice LDB test

2.4. Respondus Monitor?

3. 5. My Grades

3.1. Finding your grades; within a course; from upstate page; from notification center

3.2. Choose your order

4. 6. Need more help?

4.1. First - contact your instructor

4.2. Upstate Help desk

4.3. SUNY Helpdesk

4.4. Use "Ask a question"

5. Announcements

6. 1. Getting in and around

6.1. Browser chceck

6.2. Notifications area & settings

6.3. Basic requirements

6.4. Calender - ask your instructor to use due dates

6.5. Homepage tour

6.6. Course Menu

6.7. Breadcrumbs and buttons

6.8. Icon Key

6.9. Course to Course Navigation

7. 2. Interaction

7.1. Create profile

7.2. Types of interaction

7.3. Discussion tips

7.4. VoiceThread

7.5. Video Everywhere?