Sarah Inman Learning Tech 2015 Goals: The Year of Interactivity

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Sarah Inman Learning Tech 2015 Goals: The Year of Interactivity 作者: Mind Map: Sarah Inman Learning Tech 2015 Goals: The Year of Interactivity

1. Content Design Tool Integration from CIDI USU

1.1. Working with Sruthi and Web to implement into beta instance

1.2. Testing within beta instance before making live; make live in production over the summer

1.3. Training videos for best practices on design tools

1.4. Make live to campus with training videos!

2. Moving away from Canvas

2.1. Identify other learning tech to support

2.1.1. AL vs. Lynda

2.1.2. Web Conferencing

2.1.3. Course Authoring Software

2.2. Focus on faculty engagement rather than forcing tech training

2.3. Leading departmental demo sessions

2.4. Leading design-centric sessions

2.4.1. Digital Storytelling

2.4.2. Humanizing the Syllabus Presenting to Campus

2.4.3. EduApp Tool Opportunities for other LTI integration testing as well

2.4.4. Effective Discussion and Communication Strategies

2.4.5. Community of Inquiry framework

3. Makerspace/Digital Learning Lab

3.1. Work with Filogamo on designing informal virtual learning spaces

3.2. Putting forth plans for digital learning lab/makerspace with a planning group

4. Course Design/Redesign

4.1. Identify faculty interested in course re-design

4.1.1. Kevin Ryan

4.1.2. Ed Whittaker

4.1.3. Rich Eitel

4.1.4. Sophia Hassiotis

4.2. Training for course authoring software

4.3. Testing and prototyping other software and tools

5. Design Thinking Session

5.1. Reach out to listservs for ideas

5.2. Lineup Workshops

5.2.1. Contact fellows with

5.2.2. Lead Humanizing Syllabus session

5.2.3. Contact CNDLS about leading a workshop

5.2.4. Phil Long potential workshop

5.2.5. Paul Peacock with DebateGraph is willing to participate as well

5.3. Choose a date/time/location

5.4. Example

6. Communication/Collaboration

6.1. Establishing presence in research in Learning Science

6.1.1. Partnership with CNDLS

6.2. InstructureCon

6.2.1. USU Content Design Tools

6.2.2. Collaborate with other schools to pool resources for better analytics from Canvas

6.3. Build relationships with interested faculty

6.3.1. Submitted journal article with Dov -- accepted; editing manuscript Working with Dov on manuscript

6.4. NJEDGE Submission

6.4.1. Presenting VLE and Informal Learning Environment

6.5. SLOAN OLC Oct 14-16 conference submission

6.5.1. Presenting Metacognition in a Technologically-Enhanced Environment

6.6. Application to EDUCAUSE conference

6.6.1. Working on Poster Presentation

6.7. Digital Library Conference

7. Strengthening Graphic Design and Video Production

7.1. Hire student from Visual Arts

7.2. Wireframe Courses

7.3. Become proficient in InDesign, Fireworks, and Illustrator

7.4. Update Website

7.5. Become proficient in Camtasia

8. Professional Development for User Experience and Interaction Design

8.1. Stanford PhD program in Learning Science and Technology

8.2. General Assembly Visual Design course

8.3. Design Thinking course: Free with $150 membership