Causes of the Cold War

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Causes of the Cold War 作者: Mind Map: Causes of the Cold War

1. Ideology

1.1. US capitalism

1.2. USSR Communism

2. American Foreign policy

2.1. Marshall Plan

2.1.1. Prosperity to tackle commuism

2.1.2. Interfere with Eastern Europe USSR reject and advises E. Europe countries to do the same.

2.2. Truman Doctrine

2.2.1. Containment

2.2.2. Support Eastern countries from threat of communism

2.3. Baruch plan

2.3.1. Americans dropped atom bomb and refused to dismantle weapons until inspections in UN nations

2.3.2. USSR refused to sign Burach plan until US destroyed weapons

2.4. Policy of toughness

2.5. Delay of second front by Britain and US

3. Paranoia and misinterpretation

3.1. Truman thought not to be trusted + wanted expansion

3.2. Clifford-Elsey report July 1946

3.3. Perceived exapansionism

3.4. Delay of second front by Britain and US

3.5. Show trials

4. Different Peace Aims

4.1. US

4.1.1. Build industry in Germany

4.1.2. World in its image Democracy Elections in Poland Free speech Economic reconstruction (Open door) Free trade IMF World bank

4.2. USSR

4.2.1. Limit German power

4.2.2. Restoration of 1914 borders

4.2.3. Sphere of influence in Soviet perimeter

4.2.4. Economic reconstructions of the SU

4.2.5. Cooperation with the US

5. Soviet Expansionism

5.1. No free elections in Poland

5.1.1. Broke Yalta Accord

5.2. Iran Crisis 1946

5.2.1. helped rebels but did eventually pull out.

5.3. Supported communist governments

5.3.1. Poland

5.4. Yugoslavia

5.5. Pressured Turkey during Greek civil war to gain land back