Laughter Out of Place

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Laughter Out of Place 作者: Mind Map: Laughter Out of Place

1. Introduction:

1.1. Hard Laughter

1.1.1. "The secret source of Humor is not joy but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven."

1.1.2. An ethnography with a intersections between race, class, gender, and sexuality taking place in Rio de Janeiro.

1.2. Words Fly away

1.2.1. When you realize that you are not getting something a joke, a proverb, a ceremony- that is particularly meaningful to the natives, you can see where to grasp a foreign system of meaning in order to unravel it.

1.2.2. The meanings that are embedded in humor are often hard to grasp.

1.2.3. This book is about power relations and how they are experienced by the poor.

1.3. Bitter Truths, Hidden Transcripts

1.3.1. Humor can lead to an "escape value"analysis.

1.4. Resisting Resistance: Sahlins Waiting For Foucault

1.4.1. Power, power everywhere, And how the signs do shrink. Power, power everywhere, And nothing else to think.

1.4.2. All culture is power

1.4.3. Sort the winks from twitches

1.5. Black Humor, Class, and Carnivalesque Laughter

1.5.1. Humor for the poor opens up a discursive space within.

1.5.2. "Laughter is always the laughter of the group"

1.6. Whistling Past the Graveyard of the Cold War of Class

1.6.1. Human aggressive impluse

1.6.2. The ability to find laughter in human tragedy

2. Chapter 1

2.1. Laughter "Out of Place"Laughter "Out of Place"

2.1.1. New Year's Celebration -wear white or pink underwear

2.2. First Arrival

2.3. Scholar In training

2.3.1. Prior to Brazil, was a Latin Americanist Scholar in training.

2.4. Carnival: The Ephemerality of Laughter and Forgetting

2.5. Habits of Class and Domination

2.6. Return to Laughter

2.7. Writing Ethnography, Writing Poverty

2.8. "Real People in Real Context": History, political Economy, and Class Relations in Brazil

2.9. A Brief History of Brazil