Upholstery Types

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Upholstery Types 作者: Mind Map: Upholstery Types

1. Natural Fabrics

1.1. Leather

1.2. Wool

1.3. Cotton

1.4. Linen

1.5. Silk

2. Synthetic Fabrics

2.1. Vinyl

2.2. Nylon

2.3. Rayon

2.4. Acrylic

2.5. Polyester

3. Factors When Choosing the Type of Upholstery

3.1. Amount of usage and foot traffic

3.2. Presence of pets/kids

3.3. Frequency of cleaning. Your sofas should be professionally washed at least once a year. A reliable upholstery cleaning company: http://www.homecleaninggeelong.com.au/upholstery-cleaning/