3 Types of Leaders

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3 Types of Leaders 作者: Mind Map: 3 Types of Leaders

1. Democratic

1.1. Generally the most effective

1.2. Offers Guidance to the people, but also participates with the group

1.3. Encourage groups to participate, but leaders have the final say

1.4. Group members feel engaged

2. Delegative

2.1. Free Reign

2.2. Offer little or no guidance and leave decisions to the group

2.3. Can be effective in some situations, but most often leads to poorly designed roles and lack of motivation

3. Autocratic

3.1. Provides clear instructions

3.2. Distinct division between the leader and followers

3.3. Make decisions independently

3.4. Most often they abuse this power (Dictator)

3.5. Best applied when the group leader knows more than the group members