Ecological Levels of Organization

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Ecological Levels of Organization 作者: Mind Map: Ecological Levels of Organization

1. #1. Individual

1.1. A golden toad.

1.1.1. Individual connects to the population because A population is a bunch of individuals.

2. #2. Population

2.1. A bunch of Golden toads in an environment.

2.1.1. Population is connected to the community because a population is a bunch of the same species and a community is a bunch of different living things.

3. #3. Community

3.1. Some worms, some leaves, and some golden toads.

3.1.1. The community is connected to the ecosystem by having all living things. The community makes up half of the ecosystem.

4. #4. Ecosystem

4.1. A golden toad, and some rocks.

4.1.1. The ecosystem has living and nonliving things. This connects to the biosphere by having those two categories,

5. #5. Biosphere

5.1. Some trees, humans, rocks, water, golden toads.

5.1.1. A biosphere connects to everything because the biosphere is the whole planet so it has everything.