Selection criteria professional 3D Printer

A public mindmap with an overview of the most relevant selection criteria to buy a professional or industrial 3D printer according to 2015 state of market for most common technologies. Zie for more information and consultancy.

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Selection criteria professional 3D Printer 作者: Mind Map: Selection criteria professional 3D Printer

1. Accuracy

1.1. Resolution

1.2. Repetitive position

1.3. Minimal wall thickness

2. Market segment

2.1. Consumer

2.2. Professioneel

2.3. Industrieel

3. Materials

3.1. Mono

3.2. Multi

3.3. Type

3.3.1. Plastic

3.3.2. Metaal

3.3.3. Papier

3.3.4. Wax

3.3.5. Sand

3.3.6. Composite

3.3.7. ??????

4. Object dimensions

4.1. Build volume

4.2. Geometrical dimensions

5. 3D Print technologie

6. Use case

6.1. Impressionistisch

6.2. Design study

6.3. Functional Prototype

6.4. Functional Product

7. Color

7.1. Monochrome

7.2. Multi

7.3. Full

8. Finance

8.1. Operational Costs

8.1.1. Machinist

8.1.2. Materials

8.1.3. Maintenance

8.1.4. Waste

8.2. Investment

8.2.1. <5K

8.2.2. 5K - 50K

8.2.3. 50K - 250K

8.2.4. 250K - 1M

8.3. Operational lease vendor

8.3.1. Freedom of Material supplier?

9. Ecology

9.1. Emission

9.2. Material efficiëncy

9.3. Energy consumption (10h vs. 24h)

9.4. Noise

10. Software pipeline

10.1. 3D Modelling

10.2. 3D Model preparation

10.3. Print job handling

10.4. Public job submission

11. AM Speed & Efficiency

11.1. Change time

11.2. Turn around time

11.3. Object print speed