Passing on information

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Passing on information 作者: Mind Map: Passing on information

1. Concept of communication is the process of transmitting information and understanding between two people. It is the way of relating to other people through data, ideas, thoughts and values. It brings people from feelings and knowledge.

2. Within the company there is a myriad of communication channels, whether formal, informal, personal or places:

2.1. Formal communication channels are: newsletters, posters, calls, emails, etc.

2.2. Informal communication channels are: departments, secretaries, messengers, and they are sending and receiving at the same time.

2.3. Feedback: Feedback is when the receiver recognizes and responds to the message sender. This completes the circuit of communication, the message flows from sender to receiver and back to aquél.Al realizes there is no feedback, this may be because the message was not received, it was not understood or receiver should investigate the lack of feedback.