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Finance 作者: Mind Map: Finance

1. Proper use of financial allocation.

1.1. Develops a persons accounting accountability for all tasks of life

1.1.1. More confidence in financial situations Destinations

2. Profound interest in money.

2.1. increase my personal capital and financial stat

2.1.1. Enough capital for starting a business

3. Wall Street/Financial.

3.1. The way stocks work and how profit or loss occurs.

3.1.1. How company's qualifies for a spot in the exchange and how they topple

4. Banking and its activities.

4.1. Interested in experiencing how major banks work

4.1.1. How do the cash inflows and outflows occur at high levels Destinations

5. Vast progress in the work place. In my desired field

5.1. incentives and promotions until retirement.

5.1.1. Enabling me to expand my comfort zone