Dork Diaries tales of a not so perfect pup sitter

This is a template of the reading comprehension map for Ms. Moix's English class.

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Dork Diaries tales of a not so perfect pup sitter 作者: Mind Map: Dork Diaries tales of a not so perfect pup sitter

1. Characters

1.1. Protagonist

1.2. Antagonist

2. Vocabulary

2.1. Section 1

2.1.1. Word 1

2.1.2. Word 2

2.2. Section 2

2.2.1. Word 1

2.2.2. Word 2

2.3. Section 3

2.3.1. Word 1

2.3.2. Word 2

2.4. Section 4

2.4.1. Word 1

2.4.2. Word 2

3. Plot

3.1. Rising Action

3.2. Climax

3.3. Falling Action

3.4. Conclusion

4. General Info

4.1. Date Published

4.2. Genre

4.3. Setting

5. Author

5.1. Author

5.1.1. Date of Birth

5.2. About

6. Summary

6.1. Section 1

6.2. Section 2

6.3. Section 3

6.4. Section 4

7. Themes, Fig. Language & Symbols

7.1. Themes

7.2. Symbols

7.3. Figurative Language