Web 2.0 Mobile Tools

Track and organize your meetings within your company

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Web 2.0 Mobile Tools 作者: Mind Map: Web 2.0 Mobile Tools

1. Constructive Tools

1.1. Writinghouse

1.2. Google Drive

1.3. Dropbox

1.4. Evernote

1.5. iClicker

2. Educational Excercises

2.1. Socrative

2.2. Thinglink

2.3. Math Ninja

2.4. Stack the Countries

2.5. Rocket Math

3. Communication Tools

3.1. Remind

3.2. Edmodo

3.3. Text the Mob

3.4. Poll Everywhere

3.5. Twitter

3.6. Google+

4. Reference/Resource Tools

4.1. TED

4.2. Flipboard

4.3. Edutopia

4.4. ThinkBinder

4.5. RabbleBrowser