Tips for Creating the Perfect Discussion Post for your Online Classes

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Tips for Creating the Perfect Discussion Post for your Online Classes 作者: Mind Map: Tips for Creating the Perfect Discussion Post for your Online Classes

1. 1- Content

1.1. Make sure that your posts facilitate comments

1.2. Beyond answering just the questions, incorporate your experiences with a related subject matter.

1.3. Current events are an effective way to get people involved in discussion forums.

1.4. Don’t be afraid to intertwine the course content learned in different courses to supplement your discussion forums.

1.5. Ask a thought-provoking question or taking a controversial stand.

1.6. If you say the same thing everyone else says, you can expect the same results.

2. 2- Formatting

2.1. If your post is easy to read, it is likely that more people will read and respond.

2.2. Avoid spelling or grammatical errors.

3. 3- Replies

3.1. If you want to maximize the amount of responses, respond to several peers each week.

3.2. Try to respond to every one of your classmates throughout the course.

4. 4- Market Yourself

4.1. Craft a catchy title