13 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself Every Day.

Ideas presented by Lindsay Sibson. Elaborated into ideas and actions by Jody Jamieson. Authors of ideas are credited in the Notes of topics.

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13 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself Every Day. 作者: Mind Map: 13 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself Every Day.

1. 11. Make Time For PLAY

1.1. Ideas

1.1.1. Think of fun stuff.

1.1.2. Spend time with child.

1.2. Actions

1.2.1. Used weekend time to play with my son.

1.2.2. Acted spontaneously.

2. 10. Schedule ME TIME

2.1. Ideas

2.1.1. Find a good time slot.

2.1.2. Eliminate distractions

2.2. Actions

2.2.1. Used me time for accomplishing 6, 7, 12, and 13.

2.2.2. Used morning routine and evening time for ME.

3. 8. Stick To A SCHEDULE – Block Out Times You Do NOT Work

3.1. Ideas

3.1.1. Think about how to use time.

3.1.2. Think of how time is wasted.

3.2. Actions

3.2.1. Made schedule.

3.2.2. Stuck to schedule.

4. 6. Keep A JOURNAL

4.1. Ideas

4.1.1. Gratitude list

4.1.2. Poetry

4.1.3. Daily mood journal

4.2. Actions

4.2.1. Used ideas to be creative

4.2.2. Kept several journals for each idea.

5. 7. EXPRESS Yourself – Write A Poem

5.1. Ideas

5.1.1. Love

5.1.2. Mood

5.1.3. Life

5.1.4. Positive

5.1.5. Yin/Yang

5.2. Actions

5.2.1. Used special journal to write poems.

5.2.2. Read books for inspiration.

6. 9. Talk To FAMILY And FRIENDS

6.1. Ideas

6.1.1. Use Skype

6.1.2. Call family and friends.

6.2. Actions

6.2.1. Talked to family with Skype.

6.2.2. Called an old friend to say hello.

7. 12. READ Something Fictional

7.1. Ideas

7.1.1. Free books on Amazon

7.1.2. Thrift shops for cheap books.

7.2. Actions

7.2.1. Read science fiction.

7.2.2. Re - read favorite books as a teenager.

8. 13. LISTEN To A Podcast

8.1. Ideas

8.1.1. Search for interests online.

8.1.2. Self help and inspirational casts.

8.2. Actions

8.2.1. Listened to motivational cast.

8.2.2. Listened to musical cast.

9. Weekends - Anything Goes :)

9.1. Family time.

9.2. Me time.

9.3. Call friends and family

9.4. Keep sleep wake schedule.

9.5. Reading and writing.

9.6. Music

9.7. TV & Computer

9.8. Hobbies.

10. 6,7,12, and 13 Me Time.

11. 8, 10, and 11 Scheduling.

12. 1. Get Enough SLEEP

12.1. Ideas

12.1.1. Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

12.1.2. Set a half hour to wind down before bed.

12.2. Actions

12.2.1. Set Bed Time

12.2.2. Set Wake Time

13. 2. Wake Up SLOWLY

13.1. Ideas

13.1.1. Get up in enough time to slowly wake up.

13.1.2. Take time to attend to basic human needs.

13.1.3. Find comfortable place to relax.

13.2. Actions

13.2.1. Took half hour to accomplish ideas, in addition I used light therapy.

13.2.2. Took a half hour to accomplish #3 & #5

14. 3. START Your Day Off With Meditation

14.1. Ideas

14.1.1. Start with 5 minutes and work up to more

14.1.2. Practice breathing

14.2. Actions

14.2.1. Used ideas and started after wake up routine.

15. 4. MOVE Your Body – EXERCISE!

15.1. Ideas

15.1.1. Take work lunch to go for a walk.

15.1.2. Incorporate Yoga in the morning.

15.2. Actions

15.2.1. Took 15 min walk at lunch.

15.2.2. Took 15 mins for Yoga in the morning.

16. 5. Do YOGA

16.1. Ideas

16.1.1. Incorporate in the morning.

16.2. Actions

16.2.1. Accomplished as part of my morning routine after meditation.

17. Daily Schedule for Weekdays.

17.1. Morning

17.1.1. 6-7 Morning Routine

17.1.2. 7-8 Breakfast with family and getting ready for work.

17.1.3. 8-8:30 Drive to work.

17.2. Day

17.2.1. 8:30 - 12:30 Work

17.2.2. 12:30 -1 Lunch

17.2.3. 1-5 Work

17.3. Evening

17.3.1. 5-6 Drive home and pick up kid.

17.3.2. 6-8 Family time.

17.3.3. 8-10 Me time

17.3.4. 10-10:30 Wind down for bed.

18. 1-5 Morning Routine

19. Presented by Lindsay Sibson and elaborated by Jody Jamieson. See notes for authors of ideas.