The School of Literary Criticism

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The School of Literary Criticism 作者: Mind Map: The School of Literary Criticism

1. Authorial Criticism

1.1. Considers the relevant of the author's personal life on his/her work.

1.1.1. Q: What happened in Arthur Miller's life that inspired The Crucible?

2. Historical Criticism

2.1. Considers the time in which the work is written and set.

2.1.1. Q: How did the events of WWII influence Lord Of The Flies?

3. Psychoanalytical Criticism

3.1. Considers how characters are motivated ( sometimes Subconsciously)

3.1.1. Q: Why does the Joker kill?

4. Feminist/Gender Criticism

4.1. Considers the gender roles in a work.

4.1.1. Q: How would SpongeBob act differently if he were a girl?

5. Marxist Criticism

5.1. Considers the roll $ or social status play in a work.

5.1.1. Q: What if Katniss were as wealthy as Pres. Snow?

6. Cultur