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Fake E-mails 作者: Mind Map: Fake E-mails

1. issue: creating fake E-mails under James name

2. 2)Mom/Dad

2.1. Positive Outcomes

2.1.1. switch schools

2.1.2. move towns or citiy

2.1.3. Boxing/sports/counseling

2.2. Negative Outcomes

2.2.1. somebody could have heard that he moved and he might not want to switch schools

2.2.2. He might get home sick and missing family

2.2.3. He might not want to do boxing,sports, or counseing

3. History/Backround

3.1. there was a group of kids bully this one kid to make him seem gay to everyone at the school and internet.

4. Final Discussion

4.1. theirs only a hand full of ways that this can token care of.

5. 3)James

5.1. Positive Outcomes

5.1.1. He can delete or change E-mails

5.1.2. He can just brush it of f cause he might be gradating soon

5.1.3. He can meat or run into someone that can help him with his problem

5.2. Negative Outcomes

5.2.1. they might have changed his passwords or hacked it

5.2.2. he may not be that kind of person to do that

5.2.3. He may not be that kind of person to just meat someone and talk about his problem

6. 1)counselor/administrator

6.1. Positive Outcomes

6.1.1. 1)Getting the chance to talk with James

6.1.2. 2)Helping him by deleting the e-mails

6.1.3. 3)Calling a assembly for all the male students in the school in front of James explaining the problem

6.2. Negative Outcomes

6.2.1. 1)He may not want to talk with us

6.2.2. 2)The e-mails might not be able to be deleted.

6.2.3. 3)Some of the male students may not want to go.