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Personal Goals 作者: Mind Map: Personal Goals

1. Traveling

1.1. My sister and I are trying to go out to Costa Rica and we need to be able to actually make it happen.

2. Money

2.1. I have been saving my money lately and i want to be able to save up for a new car, and hopefully in the some what near future (Years) Move out and not have to have my parents support me as much.

3. Family

3.1. My family hasnt been very close the past couple years and I want to get us all close like the way we used to be.

4. College

4.1. I want to do my best and pass all my classes so I can get my dream job

5. Meeting new people.

5.1. I need to meet new people and be closer to more people

5.2. Be more open to going out

6. My Current Job

6.1. I am a Host and i want to move up and someday be a server then a Bar tender like my sister