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Ciberbullying 作者: Mind Map: Ciberbullying

1. Consequences

1.1. the person to do cyberbullying can enter in jail depending of the age

1.2. in your concius will be that you affect a person

1.3. the person cant you social networks again

2. Definition

2.1. Cyberbullying is bullying that is taking by cell phone or computers

2.2. this bullying take place en social networks

3. What we need to do in this situation?

3.1. in this situation the victim need to tell to his fathers

3.2. other option that you can use is to tell the person that is doing cyberbullyn to stop

4. Impact in the person

4.1. the person start to be sad and deprees because all people laugh about him

4.2. some perssons can kill himself

4.3. other persons  can have rage for all his life