Groups I belong to.

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Groups I belong to. 作者: Mind Map: Groups I belong to.

1. Train: The people who take the 7:30 and 5:12 trains, the people I sit with in the morning, the people I sit with in the evening.

2. MDFA: The Agency, Finance Programs, NMTC group, Portfolio group

3. Family: Parent, child, sibling, in-law, grandbaby on the way.

4. Girls from school

5. friends in the nieghborhood

6. Friends we go out with as couples

7. Mass Bankers Association

8. Instagram: Yoga Daily, Peaceful Meditations,   Shiva Rea, Cooking for Fun, Jordan Spieth, Rory McIlroy, Bubba Watson,

9. Facebook: Raynham Residents Only, Healthy Cooking, Peaceful Meditations, Family, all Facebook users

10. Girls from work

10.1. MDFA

11. Girls from the train

12. friends i golf with

13. friends we ride our dirt bikes with

14. friends we ride motorcycles with

15. Women in Business group